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HoneRite #1 - 250ml
HoneRite#1 is a dual action ultra-low viscosity honing and lapping fluid for use with diamond plate sharpening systems , diamond lapping film, 'scarey sharp' and traditional oil-stones. It has the added benefit of containing powerful corrosion inhibitors so that once a tool has been sharpened, it may be protected by applying some of the fluid. HoneRite #1 can also be used to revive old clogged oil stones by soaking the stone and scrubbing with an old brush to remove debris from the pores of the stone. HoneRite #1 is supplied in a 250ml tin.
PLEASE NOTE, Due to the flammability of the product it can only be sold in the UK mainland or via our overseas stockists.
Excellent product, better than oil etc. I have just bought my second batch of oil after about a year on a small can. It's worth the price. (12/09/2014)
Clean and easy to use. Always used anything from water to WD40 and this product has proved to be clean and easy to use. I use it in a spray bottle and it keeps the abrasive films free cutting and cleans up well with paper towel. (30/01/2014) Phil Skinner – Norwich
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